Tommy Hollenstein / Artwork Cont. #293 Power 24×48 #295 Presence 24×48 #296 Prosper 24×12 #297 Real 24×48 #299 Redeem 24×24 #300 Renewed 12×48 #301 Respond 48×24 #303 Simple 24×36 #306 Time 24×48 #308 Strong 24×48 #313 Understanding 24×48 #314 Unite 24×18 #318 Harvest 24×24 #319 Every 48×12 #320 Whenever 24×48 #321 Just 24×48 #342 Overwhelming 24×48 #342 Overwhelming 24×48 #355 Calling 48×48 #357 Forgiveness 48×48 #0610 Ocean Wave Metalic Quicker Faster Diptch 1 | 2 | 3 To purchase artwork, note the name of the piece and click here